Bringing Diversity to Romance One Audiobook at a Time

Audio in Color is a nonprofit grant program established to help authors of color fund their first self-published audiobook production.

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Grant Applications

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Audiobook Productions

Where we started

Audio in Color began in 2020 as a collaboration between bestselling author Nana Malone and award-winning narrator Andi Arndt. 

Author Turns Advocate

Every month, bestselling author Nana Malone selects a book from a person of color writing romance to feature in her #BrownNippleChallenge. Everyone participating in the challenge purchases the book/audiobook, thereby directly putting money in the pockets of the authors. The author is then invited onto Nana’s Instagram for a live Q&A with readers and participants.


Narrator Seeks Change

Awarding winning narrator and Lyric Audiobooks founder Andi Arndt found herself wondering why more of the #brownnipplechallenge books weren’t available as audiobooks. As she realized the staggering inequities in the audiobook industry, the idea for Audio in Color formed. Together, Andi and Nana created a fundraising campaign to help a handful of authors each year adapt their book into an audiobook.

Calling All Authors

April 15th we will be opening applications for Round 3 of Audio in Color. We invite eligible authors of any Romance subgenre to apply. 


What people say about Audio in Color

"I asked Emily Woo Zeller why she accepted this job, given that my book is a random indie book, and she said because she's worked with Lyric before and they're well-known in the audio world. I was given the impression that had I just reached out to her directly, not through Audio in Color, she wouldn't have said yes. I had an incredible experience with Lyric and am so grateful!"

Jen Trinh Author & Audie Finalist

The experience overall was very well put together, organized, and we knew exactly what was coming on set dates. I am tossing my hand in the air to be a judge! It would an honor to help pick a new recipient after getting to be one."

Asia Monique Author

Thank you for all your help throughout this process! It's been a great experience. I'm already thinking about what I can do next in audio and feel better equipped to take next steps when I'm ready."

Mimi Grace Author